Glenn Nief's Woodworking Shop
Where I work Every Day!
My main woodworking Finishing shop is below the garage 777 sq ft. No windows. Three walls are 12", rebar'd vertical and horizontal and concrete filled, Ceiling is 6 - 24' x 4' x 8" concrete planks with 4-8" of concrete on top for garage floor.
Heart of my shop is my 12" Sears Radial arm saw, from 1970. Currently with my 3rd or 4th motor.
Custom Made Working table
Working table with table extended
Paint booth
Hall way to Shop displaying some of my hand made boxes and toys

Art room, where I wood-burn and inlay text and images, add felt and satin inserts to boxes, and quality check Wooden Boxes and Toys.

Lumber storage and rough cutting (larger chips) shop area. Which includes Dewalt 16” RAS, Rikon 18” Band saw, Sears 18” 1950’s jigsaw, chop saw, table saw, router tables, drill press etc.
Lumber storage and rough cutting (larger chips) shop area. Which includes Dewalt 16” RAS, Rikon 18” Band saw, Sears 18” 1950’s jigsaw, chop saw, table saw, router tables, drill press etc.