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Plans for USCG Wooden Hat Box

Plans for USCG Wooden Hat Box

Regular price $49.25 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.25 USD
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THESE PLANS CAN BE SENT IN ONE WEEK I send these plans via e-mail with dimensional drawings, bill of materials, suggested vendors for materials, pictures in a power point presentation.

Choose 1. All wood panel or  2. glass front 3. glass front and both sides, 4. glass top/lid or 5. glass top /lid and front 6. Glass front and sides with shelf.

Customizable Wooden Hat box plans, presentation boxes made to order in wood for Army, Navy, Air Force, USCG, CTTI, CPO, Chief Petty Officer, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Space Force, Sheriffs, Military.

Images shown are a few of the boxes that I have personally made. 

Feel free to suggest a design or variation of your own.


After order is placed I will provide a 3D sketch with all the options you chose to confirm design. 

If you have questions, please email me at

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